Fellowships! East Asia/Pacific Summer (NSF), National Physical Sciences Consortium

Dear Graduate Students,
Please note that some of our alumni have taken advantage of these fellowships in the past and have found them to be extremely rewarding! We list two here:
1) The East Asia Pacific Summer Institute (Note that Dr. Alexis Harryman, UMBC Biology, participated in this fellowship. She loved it and was a spokeperson for the seminar a few years ago. Alex participated in the Meyerhoff Graduate Fellows Program, and in PROMISE. )
2) The National Physical Science Consortium.  (Note that we’ve had NPSC scholars in the past. This deadline in Nov. 30.)
The EAPSI Program provides U.S. graduate students in science and engineering (U.S. citizens and permanent residents) with an opportunity to spend 8 weeks (10 weeks for Japan) during the summer conducting research at one of the seven host locations in East Asia and Pacific: Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan.
NSF provides EAPSI Fellows with a $5,000 stipend and roundtrip airplane ticket to the host location. Our foreign counterparts provide in-country living expenses and accommodations (arrangements vary by host location).
For more information, please read the Program Solicitation, host location-specific Handbooks, and How to Apply Guide available at www.nsf.gov/eapsi.  Please note that only one letter of recommendation (from current advisor) is required.  Please forward this NSF research opportunity to your faculty, graduate students, and anyone interested: www.nsf.gov/eapsi.  Proposal submission deadline for Summer 2013 has been extended till Thursday, December 6, 2012.
The Traditional NPSC Program provides a two-phase, six-year fellowship, and The Dissertation Support Program provides support while the graduate student conducts dissertation research.  The deadline in Nov. 30, 2012. Please apply: http://www.npsc.org.
Please pay attention to these important opportunities! Congratulations to all of you who have submitted your NSF GRFP, GEM, Ford Foundation, and NIH applications! We’re so proud of you for working hard. Several members of our community have won these awards in the past. We also thank PROMISE Alums Dr. Frances Carter-Johnson and Dr. Patti Ordóñez Rozo for working with so many of you over the past several months, both during their fellowship seminar, and on their own time. Thanks also to the Graduate School at College Park for their fellowships seminar. Good luck everyone!


Published by Renetta Garrison Tull

Dr. Renetta Garrison Tull is the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at the University of California Davis. She previously served as Associate Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives at The Graduate School at UMBC, and was Professor of the Practice in the College of Engineering & IT. She was Special Assistant to the Sr. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Director of Graduate and Professional Pipeline Development for the University System of Maryland (12 institutions). She is the Founding Director of PROMISE: Maryland’s Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) – http://www.umbc.edu/promise, and Co-PI for the USM LSAMP. Her research on global diversity in STEM continues, and she is an international speaker, covering nearly all continents, for groups and conferences such as the World Engineering Education Forum, the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies, and the Pacific Sciences Congress. Her personal website is: http://renettatull.wordpress.com. Connect with her on Twitter: @Renetta_Tull; https://twitter.com/Renetta_Tull

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