PROF-it teams up with Goucher Prison Education Partnership – Session: Fri., Oct. 4, 2013

PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP and the PROF-it (Professors-in-Training) Program at UMBC are connecting with the Goucher Prison Education Partnership. This partnership will provide opportunities for graduate students or postdocs  to engage in community-based teaching initiatives.


Amy Roza, Director of the Goucher Prison Education Partnership, will come to the PROF-it “Brown Bag” seminar on:

  • Friday, October 4, 2013
  • 12 noon
  • Room 318
  • The Commons, UMBC.

 Please bring your lunch to this seminar. (Following Amy Roza’s presentation, Dr. Judith Pollack will discuss public speaking in the classroom.)


Information about the Goucher Prison Education Partnership

The Goucher Prison Education Partnership (GPEP), a division of Goucher College, gives men and women incarcerated in Maryland the opportunity to pursue an excellent college education. We offer Goucher College courses to students at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women (MCIW) and the Maryland Correctional Institution – Jessup (MCIJ). We also provide college preparatory courses for students needing additional skill development to be ready for rigorous college work.

The entire Goucher academic community is enhanced and strengthened by the inclusion of these talented, dedicated students at the two prisons. Our work together stimulates awareness and meaningful dialogue in and beyond the Goucher community about justice, incarceration, and educational access.

Teaching With GPEP

College courses are taught by Goucher College faculty and occasionally by faculty from other local institutions. The same outstanding courses offered on Goucher’s main campus are offered at MCIW and MCIJ. We also hire skilled instructors to lead college preparatory English and math courses.  

Individuals interested in learning more about opportunities to teach with GPEP should visit our website<>. Those wishing to apply should send a cover letter and resume to<>. We have a particular need for highly qualified math instructors for courses including pre-algebra, algebra I, algebra II, precalculus, statistics, and calculus I.


Other ways to become involved

A cohort of skilled community members volunteer with the Goucher Prison Education Partnership. We have a particular need for math tutors and for individuals who can commit to offer 5 or more hours per week of office help. To find out more, please visit our website<>

Published by Renetta Garrison Tull

Dr. Renetta Garrison Tull is the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at the University of California Davis. She previously served as Associate Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives at The Graduate School at UMBC, and was Professor of the Practice in the College of Engineering & IT. She was Special Assistant to the Sr. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Director of Graduate and Professional Pipeline Development for the University System of Maryland (12 institutions). She is the Founding Director of PROMISE: Maryland’s Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) –, and Co-PI for the USM LSAMP. Her research on global diversity in STEM continues, and she is an international speaker, covering nearly all continents, for groups and conferences such as the World Engineering Education Forum, the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies, and the Pacific Sciences Congress. Her personal website is: Connect with her on Twitter: @Renetta_Tull;

2 thoughts on “PROF-it teams up with Goucher Prison Education Partnership – Session: Fri., Oct. 4, 2013

  1. During this event, I learned more about Goucher’s Prison Education Partnership. I also learned about some of the differences in teaching in a prison setting versus a regular classroom. From things such as access to teaching technologies to the way that students will typically carry themselves. This event also helped me gain a lot of insight on public speaking. I learned that there are four elements of public speaking; the speaker, the audience, the message, as well as the audience’s understanding of the message. This seminar also taught some interesting tips for teaching in a classroom setting:
    1) Motivate your students
    2) See how much material you should cover
    3) Make sure you know how things relate in your lesson plan
    On top of all of this, we had the opportunity to come up with our own sample lesson plans and have them critiqued by classroom full of people.


  2. This seminar was great and the one question that made me think, How is the teaching experience? Scary? At first I thought to myself it could be somewhat scary. Then I thought about it some more, and I realized that these fellow man and women want to change their life and get a college education. The students will be on their best behavior and will have that drive to learn. Then Ms. Roza explained that exact thing, they come to get an education, they want to change their life after leaving the prison. She goes further explaining some difficulty where the classes are industrial looking with no windows and no modern technology, just chairs/desks and a chalk board. But I learned that there are always going to be difficulty in teaching wherever you go.

    The public speaking part of the seminar also was great. It helped me understand how the speaker information/message has to be understood by the audience and the how the information/message and the audience understanding have to match. I also learned some public speaking tips
    1) Motivation-Tie the topic with something they already know
    2) Coverage-How much material to cover
    3) Structure-How to cover the material


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